It is now Monday April 16, 2001 and time has come for me to introduce myself!

I always go by the name Cat MoonShadow just as I love these cuddly little creatures more than anything! *S*

Trici, Guardian of Cats

Bethany, Guardian of all things Feline

My favourite colours are black and purple

Midnight, Spirit of Black and Amethyst, Spirit of Purple

I am from Denmark, Scandinavia

Brunnhilde, the Norse Guardian

And I like to call myself a writer ^_^

Currently I am in the proces of trying to get something published. o.O

Thalia, Guardian of Stories and Poetry

Here are links to some of my other web sites.

And now I wish you a very merry Easter and anything that might come after that! *S*


Bunny Secret Wishes


Cat MoonShadow